Planning permit process

How to apply

You can apply for a Planning permit online or in person at Brimbank Community and Civic Centre, 301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine.

Subdivision applications and plans of subdivision for certification must be lodged through Spear. For more information call Spear on 03 9194 0612 or visit to apply.

Please note: If you have trouble lodging the application online, please contact our City Development Services team on 03 9249 4000.

We process applications digitally and if you are lodging ‘hard copy’ plans, a scanning fee applies.

Essential planning application documentation

The Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 requires that you must submit the documents and fees listed below with your application:

  • Metropolitan planning levy (MPL) certificate (if applicable) (only for projects over $1 million)
  • Relevant fee
  • Copy of Title and Plan of Subdivision (produced within the last 3 months)
  • Copy of any Covenants or Section 173 Agreements registered on Title (under ‘Encumbrances’)
  • Written Submission accompanying your application (i.e. ResCode Submission or a submission based on the zone’s application requirements)
  • Scaled and dimensioned plans including:
    – existing conditions plan
    – demolition plan
    – proposed site, floor and elevation plans
    – feature survey plan
    – materials and colour schedule
    – if it’s a ‘ResCode’ application, Neighbourhood and Site Description and Design Response Plan.

Applications missing any of this information or documentation will result in a delay of processing the application.

Amending a Planning Permit

You can only apply to amend a permit if it’s still valid. A planning permit will generally expire two years from the date of issue. If you submit your request outside these times, the permit cannot be extended. You must apply for a new Planning permit.

You may amend the:

  • Planning Permit’s conditions
  • Use or development that was approved
  • Approved plans (drawings) or other documentation.

Amendments can be minor or complex. You can also apply for changes if the development has been built in accordance with the permit, and you wish to alter it at a later stage.

For further advice on amendments, please read how to complete the Application to Amend a Planning Permit or visit the Brimbank Community and Civic Centre, 301 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine.

What if my permit is due to expire or has expired?

You can apply for an extension if you:

  • Haven’t started the use or the construction (commencement)
  • Have started construction, but haven’t finished in time (completion).

You can only apply for an extension in these timeframes:

  • Before the permit expires
  • Within 6 months after the permit expires, if the development has not yet commenced
  • Within 12 months after the permit expires, if the development lawfully commenced before the expiry date and you wish to extend the time to complete the development.

If you submit your request outside these times, we cannot extend the permit – the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) can’t either. You must apply for a new Planning Permit.

To request an extension to your Planning Permit, complete the Planning permit extension of time and submit with the applicable fee.

    Planning permit process

    Most applications fall under this prescribed process. Following legislation, we will make our decision based on the below steps:

        Regular Planning Permit Process

        Registering Your Application (City Planning Department)

        Your application will be registered and allocated to a planner for review, with all associated documentation. You’ll receive an acknowledgment of your submission.

        Request for Further Information (if needed)

        If your documentation is incomplete or unsatisfactory, our planner will ask for more information. Our planner may also raise design issues or other concerns, or seek advice from other team members and departments.

        Your application will not proceed beyond this stage until all application fees have been paid.

        Notification (Advertising) of the Application

        Your proposal could affect neighbouring houses, businesses, or properties. If so, our planner will notify them via mail unless the proposal is exempt from notification under the Planning and Environment Act.

        Neighbouring properties have a 14 day calendar period, to object to – or support – your proposal.

        Assessing the Application

        Our planner will consider your application according to the requirements of the Brimbank Planning Scheme, the Planning and Environment Act, and other regulations.

        We will consider advice from other departments and any objections received. The planner assesses how your proposal will impact the environment, the neighbourhood, and everyday life. 

        Making a Decision

        We have 60 calendar days to make a decision. There are three possible outcomes:

        • Planning Permit is granted
        • Notice of Decision to issue a Planning Permit (this is only when objections are received)
        • Refusal to Grant a Planning Permit.

        Read more at the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning.

        When does an application go to a Council meeting

        An application may go to a Council Meeting for a decision if it receives significant community interest, or our Councillors request it. Council Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of every month.

        A Planning Forum is held prior to the meeting, where the applicant and objectors are invited to speak further about the proposal. Planning Forums usually occur on the second Tuesday of every month.

        What if I don’t agree with Council’s decision

        If we reject your proposal, you have 60 days following our decision to lodge an appeal with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for a review.

        If you disagree with us approving an application, you have 21 days from our decision to lodge an appeal with VCAT for review.

        You can find information about lodging an appeal on VCAT's website. There is also information on the back of the following decision documents we issue:

        • Planning Permit
        • Notice of decision to issue a Planning Permit
        • Refusal to grant a Planning Permit.

        Vicsmart planning permit process

        VicSmart is simpler and more straightforward. It covers minor applications, for example:

        • Low-cost buildings and works in residential and rural zones;
        • Moderate-cost buildings and works in commercial and industrial zones;
        • Front fences;
        • Certain signage and subdivision types; and
        • Limited reduction to parking.

        An application under VicSmart is exempt from referral to any authority (eg; Melbourne Water) and advertising to neighbouring properties.

        To be eligible for a ‘VicSmart’ application you must meet all the criteria against the type of works you want to do, as outlined within the zone and overlay requirements that applies to your land.

        Submit your VicSmart planning permit application and all the required documentation specified at Clauses 59.01 to 59.14 of the Brimbank Planning Scheme.

        We have 10 business days to make a decision on VicSmart applications.

          Demolition advice

          You can request advice on whether you need a planning permit to demolish, or other demolition requests, via our Demolition consent application.  Lodgement options are specified at Planning permit process.


            Last updated: 11 December 2024 - 11:53am