Early childhood and education agenda

Female educator reading to 3 young children

Council supports lifelong learning for our whole community, across all levels of education, through to adult education. We want to work with other levels of government to improve outcomes across all stages and ages of education.

We're calling on the State and Federal governments to:

  1. Support Brimbank to establish a Business, Jobs and Skills working group to leverage economic and social opportunities of the Sunshine Super Hub and Sunshine Priority Precinct.
  2. Support Brimbank to improve lifelong learning opportunities including primary and secondary education, as well as pathways to higher education.
  3. Support the redevelopment of St Albans and Deer Park libraries.
  4. Work with local councils to provide funding certainty for early childhood programs as well as 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten.
  5. Support flexible approaches to kindergarten and early childhood services, including a flexible delivery approach and more community hubs established withing local school. 
  6. Develop an Integrated Transport Strategy for Melbourne’s west that links the Sunshine Super Hub with the region’s Job and Education Precincts.
  7. Introduce catch up programs in schools to reduce educational disadvantage.

Growing Brimbank

In parts of Brimbank, early childhood development indicators are getting worse.

By working together to invest in early childhood, active living and better nutrition, we can improve health and wellbeing outcomes, and reduce health costs now in the long term.

Growing Brimbank – a long-term partnership between Brimbank Council and the Australian Health Policy Collaboration (AHPC) at Victoria University (the collaboration) – is aimed at lifting the health and education outcomes of the Brimbank community.

The collaboration has mapped disadvantage and risk factors for poor health and education outcomes and is now ready to demonstrate what works in our community, drawing on evidence based practice and policy to design and deliver priority interventions.

Brimbank Council is looking for funding for two key interventions, specifically:

  1. $200,000 to further develop and test innovative Maternal and Child Health outreach services.
  2. $100,000 to develop programs to encourage leisure time physical activity across the life course in community facilities and open space.

Early years and childhood education

All children deserve access to the support, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive. Lasting investments in our education system can ensure every child is empowered to realise their dreams and reach their potential.

Last updated: 28 October 2024 - 5:44am