Brimbank is one of the most culturally diverse municipalities in Victoria, with residents of many ethnicities, faiths, beliefs and traditions.
Supporting our diverse community
Almost 50% of Brimbank's population was born overseas, and over 55% speak a language other than English at home.
More than 160 different languages are spoken in our community. The top 10 languages spoken are Vietnamese, Punjabi, Filipino/Tagalog, Greek, Maltese, Italian, Macedonian, Arabic, Cantonese, and Croatian. Newer languages that are growing fast include Hakka, Harari, Persian, and Telugu. Learn more about our Community Profile as reported in the June 2022 Census.
Our Together We Are Brimbank Plan is an integrated plan that paves the way to achieving the long-term Community Vision 2040 through our four-year Council Vision and Plan and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. We are committed to developing and fostering a diverse community; a community that is active and connected in sustainable, well-designed, safe and accessible local areas with high participation in community life through the following programs
Inclusive initiatives
Brimbank Maribyrnong Interfaith Network (BMIN)
BMIN is a network open to all religious groups to promote interfaith and intercultural initiatives between different faith and cultural groups in the neighbouring municipalities of Brimbank and Maribyrnong. It is also a conduit for Interfaith and Multifaith advocacy to the communities, local, state and federal instruments.
The BMIN Committee provides a direct communication channel for gaining valuable and meaningful input and feedback from faith communities into the operation of the broader interfaith network
Brimbank Service Provider Network (BSPN)
BSPN reflects our commitment to intergovernmental and community collaborations, information sharing, and coordination to support and strengthen effective service delivery for Brimbank communities. The BSPN provides a beneficial platform for connecting and adding value to the work that is being done by service providers and organisations servicing the communities of Brimbank through collaborating, networking, coordinating, cooperating, and sharing.
Other multicultural (including CALD) communities' initiatives
Work is currently being done to consult with key community partners and internal stakeholders to evaluate the Council’s cultural diversity program delivery and develop a plan for future work that reflects the local situation. This include celebrating Days of Significance like Cultural Diversity Week. Check out What's On for upcoming special programs.