Albion Station Precinct Urban Design Principles


Our Albion Station Precinct Urban Design Principles (PDF 608KB) guide the development of rail projects being delivered by Rail Projects Victoria around the Albion Station Precinct.

They establish a consistent message and provide certainty to the design and delivery teams when negotiating appropriate outcomes along the corridor.

The principles

  1. deliver a holistic integrated redevelopment of the station precinct
  2. create a ‘sense of place’ for the local community with a distinctive character specific to Albion
  3. design a legible station precinct
  4. maximise economic development opportunities
  5. retain, enhance and expand pedestrian linkages to the station, across the rail corridor and underneath Ballarat Road
  6. integrate local and regional cycle connections
  7. engage with the community as part of the decision making process
  8. create a sustainable Precinct
  9. prioritise safety as a design consideration
  10. minimise physical, visual and acoustic amenity impacts.
Last updated: 5 May 2023 - 4:45pm