Plans, policies and strategies

Our Activity Centre Strategy helps us support local centres to provide jobs, amenities, services, places for recreation and meeting spaces for the community.
The Brimbank Advocacy Plan outlines our key advocacy priorities for the immediate and medium terms.
Our Advocacy Plan 2022 outlines our advocacy priorities and seeks partnerships to deliver programs and infrastructure for the Brimbank community.
Our Age friendly city plan provides the direction for Council to create opportunities for ageing people to live fulfilling lives, where they actively participate in community life.
Our Albion Neighbourhood Plan sets out a long term vision to guide the development of Albion to ensure its special character is retained and enhanced, it improves as a functional and accessible place and it caters to the needs of all residents and visitors.
Our Albion Station Precinct Urban Design Principles guide the development of rail projects being delivered by Rail Projects Victoria around the Albion Station Precinct.
The Alfrieda Street Public Realm Masterplan is a strategic document outlining the future direction for one of the most significant activity centres in Brimbank.
Find information about our Annual Budget, Financial Plan and Revenue and Rating Plan.
We are committed to providing public assets that are safe, clean, and well-maintained for our community to use and enjoy now and into the future.
The privatisation of the Building Permit process on 1 July 1994 required Brimbank City Council (Council) to develop and implement a process to ensure appropriate management of building sites.
The Biodiversity Strategy helps us protect and increase the diversity and sustainability of our remnant vegetation and fauna habitat.
We are striving to ensure the settlement journey of refugees and other immigrants is sustainable and optimises opportunities for everyone.
This long-term land use, activity and transport strategy seeks to improve amenity, economic, image, infrastructure, and environmental outcomes for the Brooklyn precinct.
The Building Over Easement Policy outlines Council's approval process for owners (or representatives) in accordance with the Victorian Building Regulations 1994, to construct a building or structure over an easement vested in Council or where Council is the drainage authority.
The Business Association Support Policy encourages business communities to actively participate in the management and improved performance of their respective town centres and industrial precincts. 
Our Car parking management plans focus on managing the parking needs of residents, traders and commuters in the Sunshine and St Albans activity centres.
The Brimbank Carer Support Plan 2022-25 was designed in consultation with over 100 local carers and sets up our actions aligned with the priorities of the Victorian Carer Strategy 2018-22.
Our Children’s Strategy guides our work to ensure that the built and natural environments enable children to learn, develop, play, connect, feel welcome and safe
Our Climate Change Adaptation Framework provides a clear direction for building climate resilience within our community and within our services and operations.
Our Climate Emergency Plan outlines our position statement on the climate emergency, with the aim it orientates social transformation with Council taking a municipal leadership role.
The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems in Public Places Policy provides direction and guidance to Council and officers when considering the introduction of a CCTV System in public places.
Our Community Engagement Policy establishes an engagement framework with a set of principles to guide best practice engagement and enable meaningful and genuine opportunities for community involvement in decision making processes.
The Community facilities and reserves allocation policy and Operational guidelines provide guidelines to make sure everyone has fair and equitable access to facilities for clubs and community groups within Brimbank.
The Community Facilities Capital Development Major Policy 2016 (PDF 1.4KB)
The Community facilities hire, licences and leases agreement provides direction for the ongoing allocation and management of community facilities in Brimbank.
The Community Flag Pole Policy provides consistent guidelines for the flying of flags at Council’s Community Flagpole site at St Albans Community Centre.
The Community grants policy commits Council to delivering the Brimbank community grants program.
Our Community Services and Infrastructure Plan 2018-2038 explains how Council will plan and deliver needed services
The Community services and infrastructure planning outlines our guiding principles and commitments when we plan and deliver community services and infrastructure. 
The Brimbank Community Vision 2040 describes the community’s vision and priorities for the next 20 years.
Our Complaints Policy applies to all complaints from members of the public about Council staff, Council contractors and decisions made at Council meetings. This policy does not apply to complaints about individual Councillors.
Ensuring the transparency and accountability of the Councillors, Council officers, and candidates during an election period.
Together We are Brimbank incorporates our Council plan. Community vision and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
This Councillor Code of Conduct is a statement of how Councillors will behave and work with the Brimbank community, Councillor colleagues, and Council officers.
The Councillor Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Policy specifies the obligations of Councillors who are offered gifts, benefits and hospitality in their role as Councillors.
In 2018 Council established a portfolio system to complement and support Council’s governance structure in addition to briefings and formal decision making processes.
This Policy applies to a Councillor of Council. For the purposes of this Policy, the term ‘Councillors’ includes the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and all other Councillors of Council.
The policy directs how we improve Brimbank's parks and playgrounds
Our Creating Streets for People Policy guides how we will invest in our road infrastructure in Brimbank to create people focused places that allow our community to thrive.
Our Cultural Strategy outlines how Council will support cultural development and sustainable delivery of services to the local community. 
Our Cycling and Walking Strategy Update outlines 32 strategic network improvements which have been categorized into High, Medium and Low priority. The top eight highest priority network improvements have been broken into 12 sub-routes, costing approximately $9 million.
The Deer Park Corridor Urban Design Principles have been prepared to establish a consistent message from Council and provide certainty to the design and delivery teams when negotiating appropriate outcomes on rail-related projects along the Deer Park Rail Corridor.
Our Disability Action Plan 2022-26 will help reduce barriers for people with a disability in accessing goods, services and facilities, and drive change in attitudes and practices where needed.
Our Disposal or Retention of Laneways - Property Policy sets an agreed criteria that we use to assess requests to transfer or retain ownership of laneways.
Our Domestic Animal Management Plan seeks to balance the needs of pet owners, the broader community and the animals that share people’s lives.
The scope of works for the Electric Line Clearance Management Plan is to inspect, manage and maintain clearance of vegetation from Powercor, Jemena, and Metro Trains Melbourne Electricity Networks.
Our Electronic Gambling Policy outlines our position on electronic gambling, in particular electronic gaming machines or 'pokies' as they are commonly known.
Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) are assessed as part of the planning process to ensure positive outcomes for all new development in Brimbank.
Our Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Framework is our way saving money on utilities and being resource efficient
Our Errington Precinct Master Plan sets the direction for an attractive and welcoming community space that is easy to move around within the heart of St Albans.
Our Festivals and events policy and strategy outlines our role and ways we will support a program of festivals and events in Brimbank.
Our Financial Hardship Policy sets clear guidelines for assessment of hardship application for council rates and charges.
Our Gifts and Hospitality Policy for Council Officers provides staff with guidelines on the acceptance or refusal of gifts or offers of gifts.
The Action Plan provides a ‘road map’ to help guide Council’s work program across the Centre. It provides Council, the community, business owners, property owners and relevant agencies with an agreed and shared approach to the future management and enhancement of the Centre.
Our Graffiti prevention and management policy provides a coordinated approach to reducing the incidence of unauthorised graffiti. Our Graffiti management framework outlines how we manage graffiti on Council-owned, public and private.
The Green Gully Reserve Northern Precinct Enhancement Plan provides a long term strategy that will guide the future provision, enhancement and improvement of sport, recreation and community infrastructure and amenities for the northern end of Green Gully Recreation Reserve.
Our Green Wedge Management Plan provides a vision and set of objectives for the Brimbank component of the Sunbury Green Wedge.
H.V. McKay Memorial Gardens have been an important part of people’s lives in Brimbank for over 100 years. The gardens are of great historical significance as they're the earliest example of an industrial garden in Victoria and the only heritage listed garden in Brimbank.
Our Habitat Connectivity Plan directs priorities for conservation land management and habitat improvement so that investment is made where it most benefits indigenous flora and fauna.
The community, businesses, and key stakeholders helped develop the Master Plan which reflects Hampshire Road's role in community life, business, and day to day activities.
The Brimbank Heritage Strategy outlines our program of identifying, protecting, managing and promoting Brimbank's heritage assets.
Our Homelessness Implementation Plan outlines the various roles that Council can play in adopting a more integrated, flexible and coordinated approach to preventing and responding to homelessness in Brimbank.
This is an integrated plan for housing and neighbourhood character that sets out how Brimbank can meet housing needs over the next 20 years, using a framework that provides a broad mix of housing in the most suitable locations.
These guidelines guide and evaluate applications for subdivisions and development.
Our Investments Policy provides direction to management and Council in relation to the investment of funds.
The J.R. Parsons Reserve Community Vision and Site Plan outlines the community's preferred direction for the future development of JR Parsons Reserve, including the improvement projects needed to achieve the vision.
The Keilor Downs Urban Design Framework establishes an integrated vision for future development of the Keilor Downs Activity Centre.
The Keilor Village Vision document provides guidance for potential future development and land use within the Keilor Village Town Centre.
Our Land Acquisition Policy provides guides decision making in relation to the acquisition of land by Council.
Our Laneway Construction Policy establishes the requirement for developers to contribute to the amenity of the municipality
Four key priority areas have been identified to ensure the Brimbank LGBTQIA+ community is included, empowered, safe and supported.
Our Library Policy aims to ensure our libraries provide open access to services to facilitate lifelong learning in our community.
Our Lifelong Learning Strategy seeks to achieve better learning outcomes throughout Brimbank.
Our Live Streaming Policy applies to all public Council Meetings.
Our Loan Repayment Reserve for Interest Only Debt Major Policy is focused on setting aside enough funds to repay the principal on ‘interest only’ loans at the date of maturity.
Our Local Historical Societies support policy guides our support and assistance to historical associations in Brimbank.
A two-year Mental Wellbeing Plan has been developed to support improved mental wellbeing in the community.
Our Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) addresses the prevention of, response to, and recovery from, emergencies in Brimbank.
The Neighbourhood Houses in Brimbank have collaborated to develop a single vision: A collaborative partnership aimed at building resilient, healthy and connected communities.
This Agreement between Council and non-Council managed Houses/Community Centres articulates the statement of shared, vision, principles and values of the Agreement
The objective of our OHS policy is to have Brimbank City Council workplaces free of work-related injury or illness.
The Kindergarten registration and enrolment guidelines aim to ensure all children have equal opportunity to access high-quality funded sessional kindergarten.
Our Parking permit policy guides permit parking practices, and provides the policy basis for the provision of car parking in key activity centres and high demand residential areas, in Brimbank.
The Parking strategy establishes Council’s vision that parking in Brimbank is managed to improve economic vitality, urban amenity and to support sustainable transport choices through parking options that balance the requirements of residents, special user groups, visitors, business and commuters.
The Physical Activity Strategy is Council’s commitment to support and develop physical activity participation as part of its broader health and wellbeing approach.
Our Place Naming Policy provides guidance for naming places in Brimbank.
Our Placement of Domestic Waste for Recycling Receptacles Policy is designed to improve occupational health and safety performance, and prevent injuries and fatalities.
Our Position Statement on Social and Affordable Housing aims to encourage and support increased supply of social and affordable housing in Brimbank.
Our Information Privacy Health Records Policy relates to how we use and manage personal and health information collected by Council.
Our Procurement Policy ensures best practice contracting and procurement principles, policies, processes and procedures for all goods, services and works purchased.
The Public Art Policy and Plan sets out a clear vision for public art in Brimbank
The Public Open Space Contributions Policy seeks to establish a policy and procedure in the application of the statutory public open space contribution requirement.
The Public toilet strategy ensures that the most frequently visited parks and public places within the city have an equitable provision of public toilets.
Our Public Transparency Policy gives effect to the Public Transparency Principles outlined in Local Government Act 2020.
The Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 – 26 maps the next steps of our journey of advancing reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. 
The Residential Waste Services Policy ensures that residents have access to services which advance our waste management objectives.
Our Response Strategy assisted us in articulating a draft vision for the Western Rail Plan, which includes the Melbourne Airport Rail Link, the Sunshine Super Hub, Melton and Wyndham rail lines electrification and the fast rail to Geelong and Ballarat.
Our Risk Management Policy outlines how we manage the risks involved in all Council activities.
The Road Management Plan Review is to ensure that the standards regarding inspection, maintenance and repair of roads and classes of road (to which the Road Management Plan applies) are appropriate.
The Safe and Inclusive Brimbank Strategy aims for Brimbank to be a welcoming and diverse community where people feel safe, included and able to contribute and participate.
Our Sale of Surplus Land Policy establishes how we review, identify and evaluate the existence of land which is surplus to our needs. 
Our Significant Tree Policy defines what a significant tree is and the responsibilities of landowners with a significant tree on their property.
Our Social Justice Charter affirms Council’s commitment to the principles of access, equity, participation and human rights.
Our Special Rate Charge Scheme for town centres provides funds for marketing, promotion and business development activities.
The Sports Facility Development Plan identifies the key sporting infrastructure challenges posed by recreation participation trends and population change in Brimbank.
Our Sports facility hire and leases agreement policy and the accompanying Operational Guidelines sets how community sports facilities and reserves are allocated and agreements, fees and charges are applied.
The St Albans Activity Centre Precinct Structure Plan provides a strategic and integrated plan for the future development of the St Albans Activity Centre. 
Our Stand Alone Food and Drink Premises Policy outlines what is required to set up and run a venue preparing and selling food to people outside. 
Our Sunshine Energy Park Vision Plan delineates the transformation of the 74-hectare site into a dynamic, future focused urban parkland.
The Sunshine Rising Action Plan provides a road map to guide the Council management and revitalisation work program for the Sunshine Town Centre.
Three key Urban Design Principles have been prepared to guide the development of rail projects being delivered by Rail Projects Victoria along the Melbourne
The Sunshine Town Centre Structure Plan outlines our strategy for realising the Sunshine Town Centre’s full potential, and transforming it into the capital of Melbourne’s West.
The 2020 Sydenham Park Master Plan aims to build on the existing body of work that was produced as part of the Sydenham Park Strategic Plan May 2004. It is informed by Brimbank Planning Scheme, Council strategic documents and the Melbourne Airport Master Plan 2018 overlays.
The Sydenham Regional Activity Centre Structure Plan provides the framework for the future development of the Activity Centre and surrounding land uses.
Brimbank City Council adopted the Transport disadvantage policy at the 19 September 2017 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Brimbank City Council’s Transport priorities paper (TPP) provides a summary of the key transport-related issues that are important to the Brimbank community.
The Tree policy is a direct action of the Urban Forest Strategy adopted by Council in 2016.
The Urban Forest Strategy will ultimately be used to guide the future greening of Brimbank.
The Final Brimbank Response Strategy to Western Rail Plan will assist Council in articulating a draft vision for the Western Rail Plan, which includes the Melbourne Airport Rail Link, the Sunshine Super Hub, Melton and Wyndham rail lines electrification and the fast rail to Geelong and Ballarat.
Our Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 is our plan for advancing gender equality in the workplace. Developing the Plan was a requirement of the Gender Equality Act 2020 and was developed following a workplace gender audit and consultation with employees, Councillors and Trade Unions.
Our response to Brimbank's high youth unemployment rate.
Recognising the needs of young people who live, study, socialise or work in Brimbank and the key role they play in shaping our communities and society now and into the future.
Last updated: 22 October 2024 - 10:44am