Disability support for children and young people

Young man with disability being given a hug from carer

The Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP) provides support for younger people (under 65) with disabilities.


If you need access to our HACC program, or have any questions, please contact the intake team on 03 9249 4494. The team will assess whether you are eligible for these services.

Anyone can make a referral or inquire about services.  Access to services is based on your assessed need.


Personal care and respite

We can offer your family in-home personal care and respite through our HACC program, if you have a child/young person with a disability. 

For more information, please call 03 9249 4494 or email IntakeOfficer@brimbank.vic.gov.au.



Our playgroups welcome all children and families, especially if your child has additional needs. These groups are a great way to meet other families, have fun, and make the most of important play opportunities. The learning-based activities encourage your child’s development and skills.

For more information about playgroups in your local area, please contact the Playgroup Development Officer on 03 9249 4365.

Neighbourhood Houses and Libraries

Our Neighbourhood Houses provide some activities – check out our newsletters. Our libraries also run programs.

Also search Learning in Brimbank: our online guide to no charge and low cost classes, courses and programs offered at Brimbank Community Centres and Libraries.

For more information, please call 03 9249 4000 or email info@brimbank.vic.gov.au.

Community support

There are many great community service organisations offering support to families with a child with a disability:

  • Early Childhood Intervention Services support children with a disability or developmental delay from birth to school entry, and their families. 
  • Respite North and West provide information about respite options, programs and support.
  • Association for Children with a Disability provides information, support and advocacy.
  • Parent to Parent Western coordinates and facilitates support groups of parents of children with a disability.
  • Extended Families Australia matches volunteers with children with a disability and their families to offer support and respite.

More information

For more information call our team on 03 9249 4494 or email info@brimbank.vic.gov.au.

Last updated: 14 December 2023 - 3:57pm