We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive community that values ALL people and the diversity they bring through their sexualities, genders, ages, ethnicities, cultures and abilities.
The LGBTQIA+ Action Plan 2024-2028 is the first of its kind for Brimbank and was developed over a 15-month period in collaboration with members of the LGBTQIA+ community, service providers, various organisations, staff, young people, the general community and allies.
The four key focus areas are:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Safety and Safe Places
- Inclusion and Empowerment
- Organisational Leadership and Advocacy.
Download a copy of the LGBTQIA+ Action Plan (4.4MB), which was adopted by Council in November 2023.
Report cards
LGBTQIA Action Plan Community Report Card - 2024-2028 (PDF 470KB)