Work experience

Two young men work together at a computer.

We support work experience opportunities for Year 10 and tertiary students who require a student placement as a part of the course completion.

The main objective is to observe and learn rather than undertake activities that require extensive training or experience.

Year 10 work experience

Placements are for five business days and are paid $10 per day in accordance with the Victoria Work Experience Arrangement.

To apply for Year 10 placement with us you must be:

  • enrolled in Year 10
  • 15 years of age or older
  • a resident or student in Brimbank.

Tertiary placements

Tertiary placements are unpaid and are project or time-based. 

Priority is given to applicants who live or study in Brimbank.

To apply for a tertiary placement with us you must:

  • be enrolled at a registered educational institution
  • apply for placement in a role relevant to your course
  • provide current insurance coverage (certificate of currency) from your institution, covering the duration of your placement.

Engineering student placements

One placement is open to a student who is undertaking their second-year degree in Civil Engineering.

It is advertised on our job application website in September/October each year. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed.

It is paid full time employment for 12 weeks between November and February.

For more information email or phone 03 9249 4430.

Work experience and tertiary placement application 

Last updated: 18 April 2024 - 9:13am