Emergency contacts

Women looking concerned while talking on phone

We recommend that you save these contacts and store them securely in your household in case you're unable to access the internet during an emergency. 

Where to get emergency information


You can contact VicEmergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to access emergency information during and after major incidents in Victoria. It also offers information to help householders, landowners and small businesses plan for and recover from emergencies.

For real-time warnings and notifications:

National Relay Service

National Relay Service logo

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, contact the VicEmergency Hotline through the National Relay Service:

  • TTY users call 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 226 226
  • Speak and Listen users call 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 226 226
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 1800 226 226

Listen and watch

Local news stations can also be a helpful source of real-time updates and information during an emergency. 

Information in languages other than English

The Victorian Multicultural Commission has collated a range of bushfire safety information available in other languages to help with preparing, surviving and recovering from bushfire emergencies.

Translating and Interpreting Service

If you don't speak English you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 for translated information from the VicEmergency Hotline. If you know someone who can't speak English provide them with this number.

Other emergency contacts

If you're in a life threatening situation, or you're unsure of what to do in an emergency, call 000 for police, fire and ambulance. This is a free service in Australia from any fixed or mobile phone.

If the situation isn't critical, there are a number of services you can contact for help:

  Service Phone number
Victoria Police logo
Victoria Police Assistance Line 131 444
Brimbank City Council logo in dark blue
Brimbank City Council Emergency After Hours Number 03 9249 4000
Aus Gov Bureau of Meteorology logo
Bureau of Meteorology Warning Service 1300 659 210
Environmental Protection Authority logo
Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Pollution Watch Line 1300 372 842
Austin Health logo
Poison Information Centre 131 126
Victoria State Emergency Services logo
State Emergency Service (SES) Flood, Storm Damage Assistance – Emergency (24hrs) 132 500
Victoria State Emergency Services logo
State Emergency Service (SES) Flood, Storm Information Line 1800 362 361
VicRoads logo
VicRoads Traffic Hazard Reporting and Advisory Service 131 170
fire rescue victoria

Fire Rescue Victoria - Smoke alarms

1300 367 627
Greater Western Water logo
Greater Western Water – Water and Sewerage 132 642
WorkSafe logo
WorkSafe Incident Reporting Number 132 360


Last updated: 15 November 2024 - 4:16pm