You can apply for the following Roads and drainage applications securely online:
Asset protection
Asset protection
To ensure Council assets on building sites are maintained, all owners, builders, and their agents must get an Asset protection permit and lodge an Asset protection security bond before work starts.
Consent to build on land liable to flooding or designated land
Consent to build on land liable to flooding or designated land
If the property is in an area that is liable to flooding you need to obtain consent in order to build.
Consent to build on land liable to flooding or designated land application
Consent to construct over/in an easement
Consent to construct over/in an easement
Any structure or works planned for construction on, or over an easement requires a consent to construct over/in an easement and must be obtained before the building permit.
Consent for works within a Council road reserve
Consent for works within a Council road reserve
If you want to conduct any work in, on, under or over a Council road reserve . You will need to obtain consent from Council.
Property drainage design and onsite detention assessment
Property drainage design and onsite detention assessment
Planning permits issued under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 may require an on-site detention system (OSD) to be installed on the subject site to the satisfaction of Brimbank City Council (Council).
Stormwater connection to Council pit or pipe
Stormwater connection to Council pit or pipe
This application is for an internal stormwater connection inside the property boundary or on an arterial road ONLY
Stormwater connection to council pit or pipe
Vehicle Crossing
Vehicle Crossing
You must have Council's permission to construct/reconstruct, alter, replace, remove or relocate a crossing to your property.
All payments are processed in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Terms and Conditions
Brimbank City Council provides you with the ability to process certain transactions online. All are subject to the Terms and conditions for online services. Refunds are processed in accordance with these terms and conditions.
We will take all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect and respect your personal information in accordance with the Online services privacy policy.