

Fences shared with Council

Shared cost fencing

We will contribute to the cost of new fencing between Council public parks or reserves, kindergartens, maternal child health centres and other properties.

Refer to shared cost fencing guidelines to help you work out how and where we'll contribute towards the cost of fencing.

To submit a request to Council for consideration of sharing the cost of fencing, we will need: 

  • Photos of the damaged fence from within the property boundary (as well as from the Council reserve side if it's safe to do so). 
  • A quote from two independent fencing contractors including location of the fence, height and type of fence (materials), type of work to be undertaken e.g. repaired/replaced/new, name of contractor quoting the works, price with GST separate,  and registered ABN (Council will only deal with contractors who have a registered ABN)
  • You can tell us your preferred contractor
  • Email the details and two quotes

Your request and quotes will be assessed including a site visit and you will be advised further in writing about our decision.

It's your responsibility to

  • Comply with any covenants, restrictions or caveats indicated on property titles regarding fencing requirements.
  • Clear the fence line of any obstructions including concrete paths.
  • Ensure that you (or your contractor) get permission from our Parks and Gardens Department before entering Council reserves. A separate application needs to be made to our Parks and Gardens Department, with a minimum of 3 business days’ notice, before works commence.
  • Use our request private vehicle access in to Council reserve form (39.4 KB)
  • Seek other approvals. For example, applicable building permits, permission from Council to erect a High Corner Fence, etc

Fences shared with neighbours

All neighbours are responsible for the fence, including, payment, ongoing maintenance and/or repair.

Initially talk to your neighbour about the dividing fence between your properties. If you both agree that work needs to be done, then the fencing works can go ahead as agreed, provided this meets both our and Fencing laws within Victoria.

If you cannot agree, seek assistance from the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria as fencing between neighbours is a civil issue.

Ownership information

You can request information from us relating to ownership information or to consent the release of ownership information to:

  • an authorised third party for fencing
  • and/or building purposes.

Apply to obtain ownership information 

Property information

If you are wanting to obtain property information relating to:

Fencing Permits

Fencing Guidelines

A Building Permit maybe required to construct a fence or alter an existing fence.

Please read our Fencing Guidelines fact sheet or contact our Building Team to discuss your fencing requirements.

Swimming Pool Fences

For regulations regarding swimming pool barriers and fences please check out our Swimming pool and spa page

Last updated: 3 October 2024 - 4:06pm