You can apply for the following Building applications securely online:
Apply for a building permit
Apply for a building permit
Want to build something?
Copy of Building / House plans and documents
Copy of Building / House plans and documents
To obtain copies of building plans or documents.
You must be the owner of the property to make this request.
Private building surveyors section 30 lodgement
Private building surveyors section 30 lodgement
If you're a Private Building Surveyor and want to lodge a Building Permit.
Request to vary or extend the time of a building permit
Request to vary or extend the time of a building permit
Require more time or to vary a Building permit.
Request to vary or extend the time of a building permit
Report and consent
Report and consent
Report and consent is the process in which you seek approval from Council to proceed with building or construction works that do not meet the minimum standards of the Building Regulations,that may affect community assets, infrastructure or amenities.
Report and Consent will form part of the building permit, which you must get from a private building surveyor before building commences.
Apply for a Report and consent application and find out what documentation is required to submit your application.
Report and consent (protection of public regulation 116)
Report and consent (protection of public regulation 116)
Apply for a Report and consent (protection of public regulation 116) and find out what documentation is required to submit your application.
All payments are processed in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Terms and Conditions
Brimbank City Council provides you with the ability to process certain transactions online. All are subject to the Terms and conditions for online services. Refunds are processed in accordance with these terms and conditions.
We will take all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect and respect your personal information in accordance with the Online services privacy policy.