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Our Position Statement on Social and Affordable Housing aims to encourage and support increased supply of social and affordable housing in Brimbank.
Our Albion Station Precinct Urban Design Principles guide the development of rail projects being delivered by Rail Projects Victoria around the Albion Station Precinct.
The Councillor Gifts Policy specifies the obligations of Councillors who are offered gifts, benefits and hospitality in their role as Councillors.
Brimbank City Council has five libraries located in Deer Park, Keilor, St Albans, Sunshine and Sydenham.
We have policies and procedures in place to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and corruption.
Together We are Brimbank incorporates our Council plan. Community vision and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
We regularly ask the community for feedback on issues, proposed projects, changes and upgrades. Check out past and present consultations on Your Say Brimbank.
If you have some time and possible skills and experience or just want to help others in the community there are a range of volunteering opportunities in Brimbank.
Feedback provides us with opportunities to address community concerns, learn where we are doing well and to look at how we can do things better.
Find out about social and in-home support services available to seniors living in Brimbank.